Sunday, February 28, 2010


Demam+batuk+pening+sengal tulang = sakit
tiba-tiba aje dapat penyakit macam ni
tak tahan untuk menahan perit kesakitan
penyakit baru sudah singgah di tubuh aku
iaitu = sakit tekak
bersuara pun macam rockers2 camtu..
untuk menyelesaikan penyakit2 seperti iaitu
  • minum air kosong bertimbun2
  • makan ubat demam
  • makan gula-gula berangin bagi hilang sakit tekak
  • berehat
  • tido

Thursday, February 25, 2010

smile and silent

Hari ini tercatat nya dalam calendar
hari yang kelam kabut buat aku
hari serabut
hari tension
hari lemau

-running KL

mampu senyum dan diam

Sunday, February 21, 2010


xreti la nak edit macam mana..
nanti try edit lebih elok sikit
raksasa yang colorful..huhu
pelik je
nama raksasa ini ialah punky
dia ini species yang garang and nak memberontak saja
tapi hati dia baik
jarang hendak jumpa species ini..

punky: Hai korang semua!!selamat kenal2!!
gigit nak?!!

Friday, February 19, 2010


lost world of darkness
and i will be return to the truth world and filled with lights
it is not only temporary but permenantly

butter fly to the sun flower...

this is for you
this is for me..
just me and you
butter fly to the sun flower...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

lampu terbang

client : A.P.Y Clothing
lampu terbang
seperti bagi satu sinaran dan cahaya
pada sesuatu yang gelap
just update the A.P.Y Clothing blog
usha2 la this link

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mid.V - Sunway + Curve / OU = Mid.V

bede,me, ika, nano, wanie and nelly..yang ambil gambar atiqah banjir..haha

pimp my ride..haha

wanie and nelly

Mid.V - Sunway + Curve / OU = Mid.V

rancang punya rancang mid gak pergi nya..hehe
inilah gangster2 BTS dulu
ada ramai lagi but tidak dapat datang lorr
by the way y'll memang best

pusing ikut arah jam

pusing ikut arah jam = mengayuh basikal..
letih woo..
tapi best..
asyik naik kenderaan berenjin je
sekali sekala naik yang tidak berenjin
naik bukit,turun bukit
masuk air,keluar air

Friday, February 12, 2010

Monkey To Millionaire - Strange Is The Song In Our Conversation

Monkey To Millionaire name of this band.
This band from indonesia
i got lyric that y'll can sing along...
the title of this song is

Strange Is The Song In Our Conversation

Walking on the edge of an empty pool
That we thought it was cool
We lower down our voices
We're holding our laughs
Cos the moon are standing there without a noise

You're asking 'bout a boyfriend and girlfriend thing
Into our late night conversation
You sounded like you're so interested, so I feel like
I want to share it with you

After few hours of our conversation
You told me, you only sleep when there's someone singin'
So I sing to you a song called a "STRANGE"

Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
"Strange" is the song in our conversation
"Strange" is the song in our conversation

Couple of stories has already been told
and few things about has already been told
You're sound so quiet so I whisper to you
Well I guess that you have found your own world yeah

Couple of stories has already been told
and few things about has already been told
You're sound so quiet so I whisper to you
Well I guess it's time to end it so I said to you
"I hope that we could talk again someday"

After few hours of our conversation
You told me, you only sleep when there's someone singin'
So I sing to you a song called a "STRANGE"

Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
"Strange" is the song in our conversation
"Strange" is the song in our conversation

After few hours of our conversation
You told me, you only sleep when there's someone singin'
So I sing to you a song called a "STRANGE"

Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
"Strange" is the song in our conversation
"Strange" is the song in our conversation

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


hari ini dalam calendar tercatat
today is unlucky day
serabut,kene marah,boring and macam2
what happen to me today??!!
sedih je
hikmah semua..
ujian je semua
just sabar,silent and think..

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Novus band

client:Design for Novus band

synopsis about this band:
Novus adalah sebuah band dari SEREMBAN yang memulakan penglibatan dalam “indie scene” pada pertengahan tahun 2008. Pada mulanya dianggotai oleh 4 anak muda iaitu ACAP sebagai lead guitarist, JOE sebagai second guitarist/vocal, AFI sebagai bassist dan SHAH sebagai drummer. Namun line-up ini tidak bertahan lama apabila AFI dan SHAH mengambil keputusan untuk menarik diri atas sebab-sebab yang tidak dapat dielakkan. Pada awal 2009, Novus diteruskan dengan line-up yang baru dianggotai oleh LAN sebagai vocal, ACAP sebagai lead guitarist, JOE sebagai second guitarist, WAN sebagai bassist dan MAJID sebagai drummer. Line-up ini akhirnya berkekalan sehingga sekarang. Novus dipengaruhi oleh kebanyakkannya muzik dari local band seperti Bunkface, Hujan, Couple dan The Times.Novus sering memainkan cover song daripada band2 indie pujaan mereka. Setelah bosan memainkan "lagu orang ", mereka telah berpakat untuk mencipta lagu buatan mereka sendiri dan memainkkan nya di studio. Alhamdullilah setelah hampir setahun mencebur kan diri dalam bidang ini, Novus telah mengambil keputusan untuk memajukan diri dalam bidang muzik dan ingin "perform" kat event atau gig.

kalau ada event atau gig please contact 0173690449(ABOY)

support this band and also support all local band in malaysia

Friday, February 5, 2010

alat picit and tengok

sedih je aku
alat picit and tengok aku sudah rosak
bengong la..
mau beli baru..=p

question mark

This is what love is made of && baby, you're missing out.
Created by t-love and taken 845 times on Bzoink
Is there someone you are completely tangled up in?:of course..hee
What is your favorite thing about the beach?:the white sand..
What do you daydream about the most?:bila nak kaya
Are you still in love with your ex? feeling anymore
If you could run away to any place, where would you go?:i don't know..the place must calm n peacefull
How often is your smile fake?:sometimes..
Is there anything/anyone you're losing faith in?:yup2
When was the last time you completely broke down?:i don't remember
Who can make or break your day?:my babe
What do you do during a thunderstorm?:just sleep..haha
When do you need someone the most?:almost of the times
Are you addicted to anything?:addicted to eat..
Would you rather write a paper or give a speech?:rather nothing to do
How many piercings do you have?:xada..
What is your biggest regret?:xada kot
Do you like the band Taking Back Sunday?:of course..
What is the sexiest accent in your opinion?:attitude and body language...hee
Describe your favorite shirt.:baseball tshirt
What color does your favorite pen write?:black..
Are you lying to yourself about something?:i do sometimes..
Which do you like better: lilies or roses?:better bagi duit..haha
Yellow fingernail polish: yes or no?:nope
What is your dog's name?:i don't have any dog
Do you know anyone who harms themselves? [cutting, etc.]:nope
Is it hard for you to be happy for someone else?:susah la juga..but if kita happy org lain pn happy
Would you rather go camping or spend a day at the spa?:spend a day at the spa..urut2..hee
[for girls] Are you a girly girl or one of the boys?:i'm a hensem boy..haha..=p
Do you have a child?:nope..but someday..12 org..haha
Who do you trust more than anyone?:emm..not trust anybody
What color is your telephone book?:don't have
Is there someone who continuously lets you down?:nope
Chicken or beef?:beef
Do you like to wear formal wear?:tengok mood..hee
Do you like pale or bright colors more?:both ok
Have you ever been so hurt that you wanted to stop feeling completely?:nope..
How long is/was your longest relationship?:i'm in relationship right now..4 years with my babe
What is your favorite song at the moment?:the killers -
Are you a cold/shut off person?:=='
Have you ever taken a long trip alone?:nope..
Do you believe that waiting for something/someone could become your cancer?:yeke..giler la.. baik mati trus..haha
Is there someone you look after?:nobody
Would you rather run or walk?:just walk..
Do you ever want to leave it all and just run?:yes i do..but we must go on
Is there a specific moment you can replay in your mind perfectly?:too many maa..
Has an ex ever wanted you back after they left you?:nope..sume just jadi kawan..hee
Do you let your fear of things consume you?:nope..but i'm fear with high..
If you were to have a son right now, what would you name him?:xpikir..bia org laen pikir kn..haha
Where did you get the pants you are wearing from?:don't remember
Do you believe there are things that are truly indestructible?:maybe
Would you rather play sports or watch them?:both..sometimes i'm become pom pom boy..haha.. go team! go team!!..haha
What do you think of country music?:calm..waa..
Is love really worth fighting for?:xtau la..
What is your favorite carnival ride?:train..tutt tutt!!
How often do you honestly cry?:hati aku xd taman..haha..
Where do you go when you just need to get away?:xtau la..janji best..
Do your thoughts ever overtake your mind?:nope..i'm cool person
Have you ever been the "other person" in a relationship?:nope..aku adalah aku.hee..
What do you think of nude beaches?:wow..bombastik tu..haha...
Where is your best friend right now?:at home..
Do you follow your head or your heart?:thinks first after that go with the flow with ur heart..
How often do you second guess yourself?:hmm...=="
Do you leave your feelings unspoken?:yup..
What summer will you never forget?:dont know
Do you think there are different kinds of pain?:yup..
Have you ever felt completely broken?:sometimes
Who did you last say "i love you" to?:my baby mok..ika
Do you ever feel trapped?:nope
Is your guard always up?:=="
Have you ever lived a lie?:sometimes la.. tgk situation gak la.. tp mmbr ckp aku suka tipu je keje.haha
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?:xminum..haram..haha
What do you believe that guys really want from girls?:sex..jujur x??hee
Have you ever lost your sense of wrong and right?:kdng rse xbtul,kdng rse btul..
What do you think of chances?:that is luck for me.. ade chances jgn sia2 kn..
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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